The room is on fire as she's fixing her hair.
me before i started watching food network:i made you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
me now: what i've made for you today is a rustic-style raspberry reduction, garnished with a smooth roasted peanut spread, spread across a thick slice of white bread with another slice of bread holding the flavors in place. really, what i'm doing this for is my dad...he was always a chef, he's the reason i started cooking, and i know (sniff) i know if he was alive he'd want to see me win Chopped so i could continue working for the local urban garden café for sad children
me now when I cook a hotdog in the microwave and it breaks: what i've made for you today is a deconstructed frankfurter resting on a bread of soft potato roll, garnished with crushed and seasoned tomatoes and just a zest of mustard
Тру! (с)
me now: what i've made for you today is a rustic-style raspberry reduction, garnished with a smooth roasted peanut spread, spread across a thick slice of white bread with another slice of bread holding the flavors in place. really, what i'm doing this for is my dad...he was always a chef, he's the reason i started cooking, and i know (sniff) i know if he was alive he'd want to see me win Chopped so i could continue working for the local urban garden café for sad children
me now when I cook a hotdog in the microwave and it breaks: what i've made for you today is a deconstructed frankfurter resting on a bread of soft potato roll, garnished with crushed and seasoned tomatoes and just a zest of mustard
Тру! (с)